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Sustainability report 19/20

Sustainable Energy Solutions

2019 | 2020

  • Conclusion of the Underground Sun Conversion project and launch of the follow-up USC-FlexStore project
  • 100% on-time and secure availability of storage facilities
  • Construction of the Geothermal plant in Garching an der Alz

2021 | 2022

  • Underground Sun Storage 2030 – projects related to hydrogen-only storage facilities
  • Cooperation with Hitachi Zosen for production of bio-LNG as a fuel for heavy trucks

In order to hit climate targets and significantly reduce CO2 emissions, it is essential to implement them throughout the energy sector.

RAG’s research is unrivalled anywhere in the world. In collaboration with our industrial partners and university research institutes, we are paving the way for leading-edge green gas technologies, such as storing solar energy collected in summertime for use in the winter.
Stephan Bauer | Head of Green Gas Technology

Affordability and security of supply will also have to be maintained. And none of this will be possible without gaseous energy sources.

Clearly, hydrogen will play a particularly significant role in the energy system of the future, and demand for it will rise sharply over the coming years.

This is why we are already taking action to promote the reduction of emissions in the entire energy market, and for many years we have been carrying out research into various groundbreaking green gas technologies.

Goals & Measures: Download PDF